Two large warehouses make up the large space of Saspi with the numerous high-tech machinery and specialised personnel.
For this reason, the future of Saspi requires permanent improvement in the difficult task of achieving a greater and more orderly production every day.
At the moment, the main objective is to maintain a constant global improvement through the integration of people in production processes and their adaptation to new technologies.
Saspi is aware that maintaining this line of growth is the key to our competitiveness and our leadership in the market.
The installations have a proven capacity for resolution and are ready to face any challenge in the field of special machinery for screws.
The human resources policy occupies a preferential chapter in Saspi strategic approach. This conviction requires permanent training to achieve true professionals in production and customer service.
The application of the most advanced technologies allows Saspi to make new and constant improvements that reinforce its competitiveness in the sector.
The professional and human development of the workers, constitutes the fundamental value that assures the quality of the product.